Reconnecting San Felipe through Sustainable Agriculture
NOUN. growth, bud, sprout, spring of water
Known as a sleepy village, San Felipe continuously faces challenges to develop itself in line with modern times. It faces unique challenges due to its position and the increase and speed of development from the tourism sector. In order to maintain growth, it is vital that any type of development must be sustainable, not only from a commercial aspect, but also from an environmental one as the two are intertwined and serve as the foundation for any developing community.
LOCATION San Felipe, Zambales PH
AREA 17, 650 sqm
TYPE Mixed Use - Farmer’s Market / Agricultural / Hospitality
YEAR 2018
STATUS Thesis Project (Bachelor’s Degree)
TEAM Jen Hou
With this thought in mind, the site was chosen based on the concept of adaptive reuse. What was once an abandoned hostel well known to locals, it was given a new take on how it could integrate into the current social fabric of the community.
Retaining the majority of the existing structure while improving upon it by the extension of a dedicated agricultural space that would be able to provide additional support to the community.